Vision and Mission
PEO's and PSO's
Course Outcomes
Mechanical Engineering is the most coventional branch of Engineering finding application in all spheres of human activity. Presently it is the most sought-after engineering discipline with respect to career prospects of young Engineering personnel. The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Lourdes Matha College of Engineering and Technology, established in 2005, is specifically oriented towards moulding young engineering students to top class professionals capable of taking up the challenges of the modern day.
The Department is rich with a highly qualified team of teachers with excellent exposure to academics and R & D. To support the theoretical studies and to give the students hands-on-exposure to the application of engineering principles, a number of well-equipped laboratories and workshops have been established. These labs/facilities range from the workshop to make the students familiar with the basic Mechanical Engineering operations/processes such as fitting, smithy, foundry, carpentry, plumbing, etc. to the facility with the advanced CNC machine. The CAD Lab is set up to develop software skills of the students. The labs for Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machinery, I C Engines, Metrology, Thermal Engineering, Production Engineering, etc., serve the vital purpose of imparting to the students experience and knowledge of the different equipment and machinery and providing them opportunities for physical verification of the engineering/scientific principles they study in their classes.