
College Code : LMC |


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Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology has been Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)


Prof. Bindu MV published a research article titled ‘Thermal conductivity and viscosity of Al 2 O 3 -ZnO-MWCNT-EG ternary nanofluid’ in International
Journal of Energy Research. 2022;1-19. doi:10.1002/er.8415

Congratulations !!  Kavya J U (SGPA 9.82), Ancy Rajan(SGPA 9.18), Pooja Anil (SGPA 9.18) S4 MCA(2017-20 Batch) KTU Degree Examination held on May 2019.

MCA 2018-2021 Batch secured 100% result in S2 MCA KTU Degree Examination held in April, 2019

Pass percentage for the 8th semester KTU Exam held in April’19 from Civil Engineering Department is 75.56%.

Based on Institution wise Academic Performance Index report (2015-2019 batch results) published by KTU, LMCST stands in 6th position in Trivandrum and 17th position in Kerala.

B.TECH CSE (2015-2019 batch) created an excellent Placement track record in 2019.