Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology under the patronage of Lourdes Matha Catholic Educational Society (LMCES) is a professional college with more than a decade long presence in Technical Education in Kerala. The institution offers education in UG and PG in Engineering and Management.
As a part of our extension activities to society and also due to Institutions’ social responsibility, we are pleased to inform you that we are conducting a scholarship examination titled “Karunya Varsham-2018.” This examination is mainly aimed at helping educationally competent students to study engineering in LMCST. We have been able to extend a helping hand by means of this scholarship to 56 students to the tune of Rs. 1.6 Cr who otherwise would have been found difficulty in realizing their dream.
How to Apply?
The application form must be sent to
The Principal,
Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology,
Lourdes Hills, Kuttichal P O-695574
? For further information,
Highlights Of The Scholarship
• The KARUNYA VARSHAM Scholarship (KVS) Scheme was instituted in 2016-17 by the Lourdes Matha Catholic Educational Society (LMCES) and has decided to continue the scheme more attractively in the year 2018 too.
• The top 33 meritorious students who are selected based on their marks obtained in Maths, Physics and Chemistry (or equivalent subjects) in plus two examinations (50% weightage) and score obtained in Karunya Varsham Scholarship KVS Qualifying Examination (50%weightage) are eligible for 100% tuition fee waiver (benefit of Rs. 75,000/- per year) in Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology (LMCST).
• The 33 seats reserved in this category are shown in the following table: –
Branch |
KVS Seats |
Civil Engineering |
6 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
9 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering |
3 |
Electronics &Communication |
6 |
Mechanical Engineering |
9 |
Total |
33 |
• Further, the top 10 students who are selected based on the above criteria are eligible for a scholarship of Rs. 20,000/- per course (Rs. 5,000/- per year), if they are choosing any self-financing engineering college in Kerala including LMCST.
- Candidates who have secured 60% marks in plus one can apply for the scheme.
- Candidates are ranked based on their marks in KVS Examination (weightage of 50 out of 100) and PCM marks obtained in Plus 2 (weightage of 50 out of 100).
- Candidates should qualify through KEAM examination -2018.
- The selected students should qualify to get admission either through government quota or through management quota in LMCST for B.Tech course during 2018-19.
- A minimum cut off mark of 70% in plus two (PCM) and KVS examination separately are required to be ranked in the final selection list.
- For subsequent years the scholarship will continue, provided the student clears all the subjects in each semester in the first attempt.
- Rs. 10,000/-will be given as scholarship for all students who attend KVS examination and seek admission in LMCST satisfying the eligibility criterion.
For more details, & for on-line registration visit our web-site – www.lmcst.ac.in
Closing date of receiving filled applications – May 5th 2018
Date of KVS Examination –12th May 2018
• Duration of Examination – 2 hours
• Maximum Marks – 100
• Total Number of Questions- 100 (Objective Type) No Negative Marks
- Physics (20), Chemistry (20), Maths (30) (Plus 2 level) – 70 Marks
- English Language – 15 Marks
- General Knowledge – 5 Marks
- Mental Ability/ Test of Reasoning – 10Marks TOTAL – 100 Marks
Decision of the LMCES Executive Committee shall be final in the selection process.
Busroute on 12.5.18
Mark distribution for KVS examination 2018 is as follows:
Physics-20 marks
Chemistry-20 marks
Maths-30 marks
English-15 marks
General Knowledge-5 marks
Aptitude-10 marks