In the covid situation, the camp was conducted in the campus from 27/12/21 to 2/1/22.The first four days were conducted in offline and the remaining in three days. The camp was enriched with academic, non-academic, social and cultural activities. The volunteers coordinated programs and it was a fruitful one.
A vigilance awareness programme was conducted on 29/10/2021 in association with Union Bank of India. Mr M Rameshchandra Prabhu, Deputy General Manager & Regional Head, Union Bank of India, Trivandrum inaugurated the function. Rev.Fr.Tomy Joseh Padinjreveetil,Rev. Dr. Sony Mundunadackal and Rev. Fr. Aves Edachethra blessed the situation.The team members from Regional Office, Union Bank of India gave an awareness on this topic.
NSS volunteers joined in a cleanliness drive at their home.They cleaned their surroundings and shared the photos with a team spirit.
To support covid related activities in the society, the volunteers accepted the challenge of making masks for themselves and neighbours. They are preparing masks at home.
The department of women and child development in association with cluster of colleges in the south coordinated an awareness program for ladies on 15 June 2021.They focused mainly on health and nutrition. All volunteers from our college joined this event.
As part of yoga day celebrations, a training session and awareness was given to the volunteers. They actively imitated the demonstrations well.

On 29th May, a Health and Happiness workshop was given to the volunteers. They were practiced some breathing exercises and meditation steps to improve concentration.

NSS TECHNICAL CELL of LMCST Unit no. 525 and 529 celebrated WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY on 5th June 2021.NSS volunteers planted tree saplings at their homes as a tribute to make our environment green and to improve their mental and physical environment.

As part of covid situations, a home energy was conducted by NSS volunteers in their nearby communities. An analysis on the use of electronic devices at home is analysed by collecting data in forms.
NSS Technical cell LMCST organised a webinar on the topic ‘Sannadhasena’ on 12/12/2020 at 6.00pm. The NSS volunteer secretaries Amal Das and Abhyshek from Marian Engineering College interacted with the volunteers. They also demonstrated the volunteers how to register the Sannathasena via Google meet. 98 NSS volunteers actively participated in the webinar.

Blood Donation Camp
Lourdes Matha Group of Institutions NSS TECHNICAL CELL of Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology organised a Blood Donation Camp on 17/02/2021. Dr.P.P Mohanlal, Principal Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology delivered the presidential address and Rev.Fr. Tomy Joseph Padinjaraveetil, Director Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology inaugurated the blood donation camp. NSS program Officers, Sree Chithra Medical Officer Dr,Angel Mary and Social Worker Sri George Paul Thaliyath led the blood donation camp. Nearly 50 students actively participated in the camp and 38 unit blood were donated for a noble cause.