As part of Electoral Literacy to link voter id with Aadhaar a program was organized by the NSS units 525 and 529 of LMCST at the Conference Hall on 27.10.2022. Srimathi Safeena the ward member of Kuttichal Grama Panchayath inaugurated the programme.Principal Dr.Beshiba Wilson delivered the welcome speech and Rev Fr. Bejoy Arakkal, Director, Lourdes Matha Group of Institutions felicitated the function.Ms.Sreedevi Vijayan V N ,NSS volunteer gave a brief introduction about the relevance of the programme and the guidelines to be followed by the volunteers for linking Electoral ID card with Aadhaar. Programme Officer Mr. Aneesh A M delivered the vote of thanks.

The LMCST NSS Technical Cell Unit Nos. 529 and 525 hosted the training program on *”Basic Life Support”* by Neyyar Medicity on 17-10-2022 Monday at LOMAA Hall.Rev.Fr.Bejoy Arackal, Director and Dr.Beshiba Wilson, Principal addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of such training programs. Dr Haebin ( Emergency Care Department Neyyar Medicity) conducted the training program. Students actively participated in the program.

As part of *Lahari Vimuktha Keralam Programme* the *NSS Units 525 & 529* of *Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology, Kuttichal* organized a Quiz Competition and Awareness programme on *’Drug Abuse and Addiction ‘*.
The programme was held on 10.10.2022 at 2.30 PM.
Students took the pledged Not to use drugs and to fight their spread as much as possible.

As part of Orientation programme of newly joined nss volunteers NSS units 525& 529 of LMCST Kuttichal conducted an offline session on Rudhirasena one of the flagship programme of APJAKTU NSS Technical cell, for S3 volunteers on 12.10.2022 Wednesday at LOMAA Hall.
NSS volunteers Ms.Kalyani,. Mr.Akshay, Mr.Hari, Ms.Malavika, Ms.Anakha from Mohandas College of Engineering, Nedumangad who were the regional student coordinators of Rudhirasena gave a detailed introduction about the activities of Rudhirasena.
Programme Officer Mr.Aneesh A M welcomed the new NSS volunteers.
Student volunteers from S5 addressed the audience

Vellivelicham-LED bulb distribution
During Onam holidays 5th August 2022 to 7th August 2022, NSS volunteers actively participated in the LED distribution program Vellivelicham in association with Carbon Neutral Kattakada Project of Hon. MLA I B Satheesh. NSS volunteers conducted energy audit and LED bulbs were given to 200 BPL families of Kattakada panchayat.

Save Energy at Homes
On 21/7/2022, NSS technical cell in association with Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a talk on “How to Save Energy at Homes”. The session was taken by Prof. Dr. Johnson Y, Resource Person, Energy Management Centre

Story Writing Competition for short film -27.6.2022 NSS volunteers organized a Short story writing competition for a short film on 24.6.2022 .The theme of the competition was COLOURS OF LIFE. Several students participated in the competition.

English Essay Writing Competition on 11.5.2022
As part of National Technology Day,NSS Technical Cell LMCST organized an Essay Writing Competition on 11th May 2022 at 2.40pm in the ECE seminar Hall.

Cleanliness drive at campus on 27.5.2022
NSS Techncal Cell LMCST organized a monsoon season cleaning process at LMCST on 27.5.2022.As part of this programme the students removed the water from the waste bottls,coconut shells(rubber plantation) etc in the campus to avoid the chance of mosquito breeding.

Blood Donation Camp 31.5.2022
The NSS Technical Cell in association with Extension Cell of LMCST organised a blood donation camp at Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology on 31.05.2022. Thirty Six units of blood were donated to Sree Chithra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.

World Environment Day ( Planting Saplings at home) – 5.6.2022
As part of world environment day NSS volunteers planted saplings at their home on 5.6.2022.

International Yoga Day Celebration International Yoga day was celebrated by NSS Technical Cell at Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology on 21.6.2022

On Republic day,an awareness on the topic “constitution of India” was given by Prof.JayaRam.V, Placement Officer,Assistant Professor,Dept of MEBat 10 am through google meet. Information related to the importance of the day,formation of constitution,preamble were discussed in an interesting manner.
Abdul Rahim and Vysakh RV of S5 ECE (UNIT NO 525 ) are selected as Trivandrum energy cell coordinators.
NSS units of LMCST conducted a session on “PALLIATIVE CARE” on 22nd January 2022.The session was handled by Dr.Joy John,Medical officer,Family Health Centre,Kuttichal. Doctor advised the volunteers to join together to support the palliative care activities
In connection with the youth day celebrations,AASIF,S3 ME,NSS Volunteer inspired the students on the topic “Youth the lights of India” on 14th Jan 2022.He inspired the youth after the talk. All the inspirational moments in the life of Swami Vivekananda were presented before us.
In association with youth day celebrations, an online quiz competition was organized on 14 January 2022.Nearly 53 students from the college participated in this programme.
An online poster design competition as part of youth day celebrations was coordinated by NSS volunteers on Jan 13,2022.Nearly 10 students from college participated in this event. Certificates were distributed online to participants.
In covid third wave situation, the volunteers celebrated and shared the happiness by sharing online designed posters.
As part of covid situations,a home energy was conducted by NSS volunteers in their nearby communities.An analysis on the use of electronic devices at home is analysed.A google survey form was prepared and shared to volunteers.
Akhil B.S,Afzal T.S,Adithya Anil,Aparna,Arya M S,Nandana,Aswin Syam,Harikrishnan K S,Arsha S Raj,Annlet Joy were selected to attend the palliative care training at Samskarika Nilayam Kuttichal on 5 Jan,2022.