
Dr. Beshiba Wilson, – Principal : Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology

Dr. Beshiba Wilson, our Principal, is an icon of enthusiasm and a dynamic person who is committed towards the growth of the institution. She joined the institution in 2003 as a Lecturer and served as Head of the department of Computer Science and Engineering and now as the Principal of the institution. She is a passionate and caring teacher with a perfect blend of energy, enthusiasm and knowledge. She guides the students and leads the faculty team with vigor to achieve the educational goals. As an administrator she has been firmly result-oriented with a steady vision. She was the Coordinator of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell and was instrumental in the NAAC Accreditation work and Academic Audit activities of the institution.
Dr.Beshiba Wilson has been an ambitious contributor in the field of Science and Technology and an active member of Indian Society for Technical Education (Life Member), Computer Society of India and International Association of Engineers. She has received best paper award in international conferences. She has served as the resource person for faculty development programmes and organized many conferences, workshops and seminars. She has published more than 25 technical papers in international journals and conferences with high impact factor. She is a reviewer for various international journals.
She is interested in developing personality skills among the students by encouraging a number of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and motivates all the students in organizing innovative programmes. A good human in nature, a helping hand in any situation Dr.Beshiba Wilson finds happiness in the growth of the students and the institution.

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