Civil engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering discipline which has been in application since time immemorial. It mainly deals with designing, planning, construction and maintenance of infrastructure. A civil engineer uses his analytical abilities and knowledge of the physical world to design and figure out how to build structures like huge dams to sky scrapers, from suspension bridges to offshore drilling platforms, etc. As the population of the world increases and the technology becomes more advanced, the need for better infrastructure will increase throughout the world. Civil engineering continues to cater to these needs in all the sectors and aspects of human life.
Civil Engineering Department of Lourdes Matha Collge of Science and Technology was started in 2013 with an intake of 60 students. The Department is enriched with a group senior faculty members who have years of experience in teaching, execution and industry. Our goal is to develop a group of young civil engineers who are capable of doing investigation and planning works, design and execution for all types of projects.Civil engineers are instrumental for building the great wonders of the world namely Taj Mahal, Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Eiffel Tower etc.