LMCST Central Library is fully automated and Koha software is used for circulation, procurement, OPAC etc. All the library documents are bar-coded and books are issued to the users by reading the barcodes of the document. The college has central library and 6 department libraries. The reading room is well furnished. Exclusive reference section is available in the library. A visitor’s register is maintained for staff and students. CCTV cameras are installed in the library for strict surveillance. The library houses more than 27085 books and about 500 e-journals covering various branches of Engineering and Technology.
The LMCST central library is a member of DELNET which give access to E-books and 500 full text e-journals both national and international.The central library is a member of NDL which has a collection of more than 6-lacks e-books.
The Library’s aim is to provide students with a friendly,relevant and expert service,and to equip them with the information literacy skilss to engage in a life time of learning.
Library Services
- Circulation Services
- Reference Services
- Serial Section
- Newspaper Section
- e-Journals
- Reprographic Services
Library Timing
Monday-Saturday : 8.30 AM to 6 PM
Library Rules and Regulations
- All the personal belongings such as text books,note books,files,briefcases,umbrellas etc should be kept in the property counter.However calculator and plain paper for taking down notes can be taken into the library
- Books in the reference section are not open for borrowing
- The library is kept open on all working days at the times which can be specified on the notice board.The library is kept open from 8.30 am tom 6.00 pm
- Strict slience should be observed within the library.the student must show his/her identity card when demanded by the library staff.
- Writing or Underlining in the books,periodicals maps etc is not allowed.If required tracing may be taken with the permission of the librarian.Photocopying facilities is availabel for the students with specific recommendation of the concerned Staff Advisor/HOD.
- The person in whose name a book/periodicals is issued will be held responsible for the care of the same.He/She will have to bear the compensation for any damages or loss either by replacing or by paying double the cost as decided by the institution.
- The number of books that can be borrowed from the central library is as follows
- UG students - 3 books for 14 days
- PG students- 4 books for 14 days
- Faculties- 6 books for 3 months
- Non teaching staff-3 books for 3 months
- The book can be renewed 3 times if there is no reservation for the same.
- The peroid of loan will be 14 days.If a member fails to return the book on the 14th day ,a fine of Rs.1/-per day, per book will be levied for the first week,Rs.2/- per day per book for the second week,and Rs.5/- per day per book for the subsequent weeks. If a student is absent on medical ground the payment of fine will be waived if recommended by the concerned HOD.No further issue of book will be made till all the dues are cleared.
- A book which is temporarily in special demand may be lent for a shorter period than 14 days.The Librarian may at any time terminate loans.
- Members are not allowed to sub lend the books borrowed from the Library.
- No book shall be issued which in the opinion of the Librarian is not in sufficiently good condition for safe handling.
- Periodicals are regarded as reference books.
- New books received will be displayed for a fortnight in new arrivals.These are available for issue at the end of the fortnight.
Millions of Networked Library Resources are available through DELNET-networks of more than 5900 Libraries with inter Library loan facility. LMCST Library is a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET), which provides services like browsing of Union Catalogues, Inter Library Loan and Document Delivery Services. DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among libraries through the development of a network of libraries.
E-contents | 2,90,00,000 E-Books 40,000 journals 5000 full text journals 1,00,000 thesis |
To know more visit : http://delnet.in
J-Gate is the most comprehensive database and gateway to access research information from over 55 million journal articles with access to 11 Million Full Text articles covering multiple subject domains.
.. | Total Indexed Journals | Full Text Journals |
J-Gate Science and Technology | 38,891 | 20,345 |
To know more visit : https://jgateplus.com
For accessing e-journals please visit following link. For user id and password please contact librarian.
Other Useful Links
National Digital Library: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
NPTEL courses : http://nptel.ac.in/
Open Access Journals/Useful Links
- Directory of Open Access Journals -Provides access to over 1500 + learned journals covering all major disciplines.
URL: https://www.doaj.org/ - IETE Journals- Publishes research on new product or process development in electronics, telecommunication, information technology control engineering and instrumentation.
URL: https://ietejournals.org/ - NISCAIR full Text Journals URL: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/
- Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
URL: https://www.ias.ac.in/ - Institute of Physics electronic journals (IOP)
URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/
E-Learning- Helpful links
Google Scholar
E - Acharya
e- PG Pathshala
Library staff
Name | Designation | Qualification | Email ID |
Mrs. Aswathy S A | Librarian | BA, MLISc, |
aswathy.sa@lmcst.ac.in |