Area Of Specializations/ Interest
Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics, Geology and Environmental engineering
- Analysis of Strength Characteristics of Clayey Soil using Marble Dust as Stabilizer, published in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), volume 7, Issue 1, January2020
- Strength Characteristics of Lime- Pond Ash treated dredged soil, International Journal of Research and Technology ICART- 2022(Volume10- Issue 06)
- Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Alkali treated Coir Fibre on Clayey Soil, International Journal of Research and Technology. Vol:10, ISSN: 2278-0181
- Utilization of Salt Water Cord Grass Fibres for Stabilizing Kuttanad Soil, Published in Journal of Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 03 Issue 03 Year 2020
Worked as Asst. Professor in CE Dept. Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology
from 14/12/2015 To 31/08/2022
Any Other
Training/FDP/Workshop/Seminar/ Webinar Conference attended
- Participated in the 5 day Virtual FDP on “Sustainable Repair and Rehabilitation of Constructed Facilities” organized by School of Civil Engineering from 13th to 17th February 2023 at VIT Chennai
- Strength Characteristics of Lime- Pond Ash treated dredged soil, International Journal of Research and Technology ICART- 2022(Volume10- Issue 06)
- Strength Characteristics of Lime-Pond Ash Treated Dredged Soil, ICART- 2022, IJERT Conference Proceeding, Volume. 10, Issue. 06
- Participated one day webinar on Opportunities for Civil Engineers in the Public Sector on 18 th August 2020 at SIST,Trivandrum
- Influence of Kerosene Coated Saltmarsh Cordgrass Fibres on Kuttanad Soil, presented in the 1 St Online Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, on 20th & 21st June 2020 has been awarded ‘The Best Research Paper in the Geotechnical Engineering field’
- Registered with an Engineer ‘A’ license under the provisions of Kerala Municipality Building
Rules, 2019
- Influence of vertical cut of clay reinforced with micropiles, international Conference on Recent Scientific Research in Engineering and technology 2019 (JIT2019)
- Influence of Lateritic slopes reinforced with micropiles, paper presented on Indian Geotechnical society Thiruvanthapuram chapter and Technical committee TC107 of International society for soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering february 2019
- Behaviour of vertical cut of clay reinforced with soil nails, presented on International conference
on Innovative Trends in science and Technology2018( ICITST 18), November 2018.
- Participated in the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science and Technology( ICITST-2018) Organized by SIST, Vellanad on 27 th of November 2018
- Participated in the National Seminar on New Trends and Innovations in Geotextile
Reinforcement conducted by Dept. of CE, SIST in association with The Institution of Engineers(India), Kerala State Centre on 19 th and 20 th of September 2017
- Attended two day workshop on Moodle Software as part of faculty development programme on 27 th and 28 th June 2017 at SIST, Tvm
- Participated in the short term training programme on Applications of Geology in Civil Engineering conducted by Dept. of CE, Govt. Engineering College, Barton Hill, Tvm from 21 st to 23 rd March 2016, sponsored by TEQIP phase II.
- The effect of molasses on strength of soil, presented on International Conference on Recent engineering Advances and Trends 2016 held at Pankajakasthuri College of engineering and Technology, Trivandrum, March 2016
- Compaction Characteristics of soil stabilised with molasses, presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering technology NACTECH 2016 held on 2nd April 2016 at PRS College of Engineering and Technology, Paliyode
- Quarry dust as filter material to control erosion on dispersive soils, Presented in the Sixth National Conference on Recent Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering (NCRAG), Coimbatore
- Attended the TAKE OFF Progrmamme conducted by Dept. of CE, Pankajakasthuri College of Engineering and Technology from 29 th march to 6 th may 2013.