Report on “IP Awareness” webinar

Mr. Anumod, Examiner of Patents, Chennai handled the IPR awareness seminar at the LOMAA Hall, LMCST on 27/04/2022. Dr.Johnson Y., Coordinator of IPR Cell, LMCST introduced the speaker to the participants. 

A Webinar on “How About Patent Procedures, Drafting and Filing” was conducted on 17th November, 2021 at 6:15pm through Google meet platform. The Speaker of the session was Mr Sarin C R, M. Tech, MBA, IPR expert. Around 85 participants from various streams such as faculty members in academic institutions, research scholars, employees from Industries and students. The last 15 minutes of the 1hr session was the interaction with the speaker. Dr.Johnson Y, HOD, EEE and the IPR Cell Convenor was the program coordinator

The recorded version of the webinar is available in the following link

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell is constituted in  LMCST in 2019. Dr. Johnson Y, Associate Professor of Electrical Department is the Convenor of the cell. The following activities are  conducted under this cell
   1 Webinar on Introduction to  Intellectual Property Rights
       Date: 25/06/2020
        Speaker: Mr. R S Praveen Raj, Senior Scientist, CSIR – National Institute            of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology ( NIIST ), Trivandrum                      Platform: Google Meet