ONLINE ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION organized by ISTE Student Chapter LMCST on 15th August 2020.
Registration Link
A talk on “Communicative English” was arranged for the students of EEE and CS department having ISTE membership on 21/02/2018 under the banner of ISTE jointly organized by Department of EEE and Department of CS. The students were addressed by Dr. V. Syam Prakash, Principal, LMCST, Prof. Sreekala Devi K, ISTE Coordinator- LMCST and Prof. Divya Cristopher, ISTE Coordinator- Department of CS.
The session was handled by Dr. C. G Sukumaran Nair, Emeritus faculty, Department of CS.
A technical talk on “India in Space” by Dr.P.V Venkitakrishnan ,Associate Director,VSSC was organised by Civil Department on 20th February 2018.