Code of Conduct

Office Order

The members of the council are:-

  1. Dr.Beshiba Wilson, ,Principal – Chairman
  2. Dr.Sunil J, HoD, Civil Dept – Member
  3. Dr. Retnakumari Amma, HoD, ASH Dept – Member
  4. Prof.Priya Sekhar S, HoD, CSE Dept – Member
  5. Dr. Johnson Y, HoD, EEE Dept – Member
  6. Prof. Bismi K Charleys, HoD, MCA Dept – Member
  7. Prof. Soorya S. R., HoD, ECE Dept – Member
  8. Prof. Resmi V. Prasad, HoD, ME Dept – Member
  9. Dr. Syamnath R S, HoD, MBA Dept – Member
  10. Prof.Renu V, Asst. Prof. EEE – Secretary
  11. Prof.Renetha J B, Asso. Prof., CSE – Member
  12. Prof.Bincy Louis, Asst. Prof., ECE – Member
  13. Prof.Sheeba Kumari, Asst. Prof, CE – Member
  14. Prof.Sammil S, Asst. Prof, ME – Member
  15. Ms.Soorya S, Asst. Prof., Phy.Ed .- Member
  16. Mr.Dany Thomas, Chairman, College Union – Member
  17. Ms.Sonu Shabir, S6 CE – Member

Minutes of meeting on 17th October 2020


2.2. Code of conduct
1. Teachers should tutor the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department and complete the syllabus on time.
2. Teachers are the mentors of the respective group of students who are attached to them.
3. Assignment topics for each course are to be given to the students, have to be evaluated, and return on time.
4. Teachers should help, guide and assist students in teaching-learning process.
5. Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular, and organizational activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
6. Teachers should sign the attendance register as well as register their attendance biometrically while reporting for duty.
7. Staff members are encouraged to write textbooks, publish articles in reputed Journals and present papers in Seminars and Conferences, take up Research projects, and attend Faculty Development Programmes and Quality Improvement Programmes to update their knowledge.
8. Staff members are encouraged to undergo Practical Training in Industry and can take consultancy work as part of Industry-Institute interaction.
9. Teachers must always wear their identity cards while inside the college premises.
10. Teachers must maintain an active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve their profession through them
11. Teachers shall cooperate and assist in carrying out functions related to the educational responsibilities of the college and the university such as: assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counselling students as well as assisting in the conduct of university and college examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation.
12. Teachers should identify the aptitude and capabilities of students and strive to meet their individual needs.
13. Be in contact with the parents/guardians of the students to establish and maintain ‘teacher-parent-student’ bonding
14. Take the prior approval of leave from the respective authority and make alternative arrangements for the lecture and practical.
15. Use modern tools of teaching to make the lectures more interesting (Audio/ Visual Aids)
Supporting Staff
1. Report to duty on time and productively use the work hours
2. Understand the job scope, practices and procedures relating to their responsibilities.
3. Ensure efficiency and thoroughness in the performance of their assigned duties
4. Manage time effectively and be well-organized.
5. Notify in-charge if they are unable to come to work. Submit leave application to the in-charge whenever required.
6. Staff must always wear their identity badge during working hours.
7. Non-Teaching Staff assigned to Laboratories should keep the Labs well arranged, tidy and Clean.
8. Non-Teaching Staff, working in the Lab, shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipment, chemicals and if any loss or damage to any article should be reported to the concerned.
9. For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained
10. Staff members should retain professional independent objectivity and not promote dogma or political bias to others in their working activities.
1. Principal being the Head of the Institute is responsible to all academic and administrative activities of the institute.
2. Review current academic programmes, collaborative programmes, Human resources and management of the institute.
3. One of the admission authorities for the institute to implement the admission process.
4. Development and implementation of the strategic plan for short term and long term for the development of the institute and sustainable quality improvement
5. Plan and facilitate guidance, counselling and other student services at the institute level.
6. Maintaining support services and academic facilities.
7. Demonstrate care and commitment to academic excellence and plan to organize faculty and supporting staff development programs.
8. Promote interactions with all stake-holders, facilitate student placements and student development programs.
9. To create and maintain an unbiased gender-free atmosphere within the college campus so that all the stakeholders enjoy equal opportunities.
10. Monitor Internal as well as University Examinations
11. To facilitate industry interactions.
12. To plan and implement the activities to take care of hygiene, safety and housekeeping in the institute.
13. Communicate regularly with all members of the institute.
14. Evaluate the performance of faculty and supporting staff.
15. Promote the Institution’s image among the society.
16. To lead the accreditation activities of the institute for achieving quality standards.
17. To create an environment conducive for research-oriented academic parleys and thus promote research activities in the institution to add further to the knowledge pool.

Governing Body members shall:

Shall be dedicated to uphold the Vision and Mission of the college, by constructive and proactive initiatives in establishing state of the art infrastructure and be unbiased in inducting, maintaining and supporting high quality teaching and non-teaching staff and other human resources.
• Facilitate, support and enable the faculties for the implementation of academic requirements stipulated by AICTE and the affiliating university to mould the students with relevant knowledge, skill and value education to transform the students as productive and responsible citizens.
• Participate actively and work co-operatively with fellow members in carrying out their responsibilities.
• The governing body should act to approve the mission and strategic vision of the institution, long-term academic plans and ensure that these meet the interests of stakeholders, including students, local communities, Government, and others representing public interests.
• Governing bodies ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances, and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and affiliating university.
• The governing body should ensure that non-discriminatory systems are in place to provide equality of opportunity for staff members and students.
1. The Code of Conduct is to be displayed on the website
2. There shall be a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct
3. The institution shall organize professional ethics programs for students, teachers, administrators, and other staff.
4. Annual awareness programs on Code of Conduct shall be regularly organized.
Code of conduct for Students
Students are advised to strictly abide by the following guidelines for the smooth conduct of all activities of the Institution.
Dress Code and ID card:
• The students should come to the institution in proper uniform. Boys should tuck in their shirts. ID cards should be worn around the neck and conspicuously displayed.
• It is compulsory to wear shoes and workshop uniform for entering the laboratories. Students should wear workshop uniform if there is a workshop/lab class on the day and regular uniform on other days.
• Students should not wear slippers, jeans, low waist trousers or tight fitting leg wear inside the campus.
• Attendance is compulsory and leave can be availed in unavoidable circumstances with the knowledge of parents and permission of Principal.
• Be punctual in all the activities taking place in the campus.
• A student shall be permitted to appear for the end semester university examination only if he/she satisfies the KTU requirements.
• Students eligible for medical/duty leave shall submit the completed applications within 3 days and this will be considered for attendance calculations as per university norms.
Mobile phone:
• Mobile phones must not be used and are prohibited in the campus as per Government order.
• If a violation is observed, the phone will be seized by Principal and parents can personally claim it back from the Principal after paying a fine of Rs.500/-. If such a violation is repeated, the seized phone shall be retained till the end of the semester and parents can personally get it back on payment of fine amounting to Rs.1000/.
Series Test and Assignments:
• Assignments should be submitted ontime.
• Two centralized series examinations will be conducted in each semester asper the college calendar and no further tests will be conducted.
• Absence in series test should be intimated in advance to Advisor/HoD and shall be permitted only on medical grounds/valid reasons. Absentees should get a “Certificate for retest” from Principal within one week of the completion of series test and should be handed over to HoD.
The parents will be summoned for meeting the Principal, if:
• The student fails to get pass in all subjects in the series test.
• The average of series test marks falls below60%.
• Due to any other specific reason that arises in the campus.
Extra and Co-curricular Activities:
The inter-collegiate cultural and technical fest (Equinox) organized every year shall be conducted in the month of February (preferably 2nd Friday and Saturday). All students must attend the programme.
• Prior permission from Principal should be obtained for availing duty leave towards attending Extra and Co-curricular activities.
• Students are encouraged to participate in all the clubs, associations and sports activities as per guidelines intimated to students.
Duty leave:
• Any duty leave with the permission of the authorities shall be got approved within 3 working days after availing leave.
• Extra duty leave can be availed with prior permission from Principal for taking part in placement drives, intercollegiate fest, and youth festival and sports events.
• Any mal-practices in the series test shall result in debarring from all the exams in that series test
• Malpractices in University examinations will be governed as per University rules.
• Conduct of any kind of special programs need prior permission from Principal.
• Birthdays and similar celebrations are strictly prohibited inside the classroom and campus.
• Any other actions by the student causing indiscipline in the campus will be controlled by the Principal and appropriate action will be initiated.
Summary: The above rules are framed for the smooth conduct of the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the Institution in a conducive environment for the overall benefit of students. This will definitely enhance the academic ambience of the campus ultimately leading to the fulfilment of the goals set by the Institution.