Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology is organizing “ONE WEEK SUMMER COURSE(online) on ANIMATION”.
Date: 10th -14th May 2021
Time: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM
Participants: X, XI And XII standard students
Platform: Google Meet
Registration is FREE
Please register online by filling the following registration form:
Online session details will be communicated to the registered participants through email.
Please click and join this WhatsApp group for getting updates of the event:
E-Certificate will be issued to the participants who attend all the sessions.
Convenor :Dr.Beshiba Wilson HOD,CSE, LMCST
In case of any query feel free to contact the coordinators:
Prof. Renetha J.B. : 9633658668
Mr.Vishnu P.N.: 9447717046
Mr.Dion Johnson: 8714406338
Highlights of the course
*Certificate will be provided
*No registration and course fee
*Animation course will be handled by experts
*Practice sessions will be provided